Från Holländska kanaler till Svensk vildmark

From Dutch canals to Swedish wilderness


Hello, my name is Vincent de Deugd and my brother is Ronnie. We are the proud founders of Swedish Wilderness - Sustainable Adventures. After living in Sweden for almost 30 years, we want to share how our journey from Holland's canals to the Swedish wilderness has shaped our view of sustainable adventure.

Raised by Holland's canals

Our interest in outdoor life began in the quiet canals around Rotterdam. It was here that our father taught us the fine art of fishing, but also the importance of taking our trash with us when we left a fishing spot. This was our first insight into the idea of ​​sustainability and it set the foundation for the "Leave No Trace" principle that we follow today.

A new start in Sweden

We moved to Sweden in our youth and immediately fell in love with the Swedish nature. It was an overwhelming contrast to Holland's urban environment and gave us an even stronger yearning for adventure.

Leave No Trace: A Lifestyle

What started as picking up trash at fishing grounds has evolved into a deeper philosophy of sustainability. "Leave No Trace" is not only about picking up after yourself, but also about minimizing your impact on nature in general. It is a core principle of Swedish Wilderness - Sustainable Adventures.

From dream to reality

Once we settled in Sweden, we couldn't help but follow our passion. We now combine our interest in adventure with our desire to contribute to a more sustainable world. That's what Swedish Wilderness - Sustainable Adventures is all about.

The Swedish Wilderness of the future

Swedish Wilderness is still in the start-up phase, but we have big plans. We concentrate on smaller groups to reduce our environmental impact and plan to offer a wider range of sustainable adventures and experiences.


Thank you for following our journey this far. We look forward to including you in the next chapters of our adventure. Together, we can make every trip a sustainable experience.

/Vincent & Ronnie

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